Enhance Facilitation Limited (EFL) has made all reasonable efforts to maintain this website as up to date, and accurate as possible. All information is provided through EFL’s website in good faith and EFL does not provide any guarantee of the currency and accuracy of any information. EFL accepts no liability in respect of any use made of the information and material on this website.
The information and materials provided on this website is designed to assist and not replace the existing or potential relationship between EFL and clients, or the psychologist-patient relationship generally. Whilst the information and materials provided on this website is designed to assist people, everyone’s psychosocial needs are different. If you are experiencing ongoing psychosocial challenges, you are encouraged to contact a relevant professional directly.
Where there are hypertext links provided to external websites, EFL does not endorse the content on those sites, nor does EFL accept any responsibility for the content or accuracy of them.
EFL reserves the right to vary or discontinue any materials at any time.
The contents of this website, and any agreement EFL may enter into with you, is governed by the laws of New Zealand. The New Zealand Courts have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of this website and any such agreement..
All material and content on this website is protected by EFL’s rights under the Copyright Act 1994, unless stated otherwise. Any sale or commercial use of any material on this website will only be permitted with the express permission of EFL.
General use of the material on this website is permitted provided:
- The material is used or shared at your own risk;
- EFL takes no responsibility for the outcome of any such use or sharing; and
- The material must not be altered and EFL’s copyright in the material must be expressly acknowledged in every instance the material is used or shared.